2008-09-12 23:34:53 UTC
To set the background, I have been writing a discipleship course and struggling with the issue of divorce and remarriage. Last night I had something of an epiphany which really helped me clear up/revise my opinion on the topic (or so I thought) but then just before I retired for the night I read another article which might have refuted the first one I read. A bit confused and really desiring to understand what God truly thinks about divorce and remarriage, I asked God to speak to me last night... I never normally remember dreams but I remember two from last night and I'm wondering if they have anything to do with this situation or if they really are just random.
Dream 1:
I was in a garden and was quite happy there until I saw a snake. Seeing the snake I climbed over the garden fence and into the garden of another house (might have been into a friend's garden but I'm not sure if that is important as it wasn't clear). As I was climbing, the snake rose up and hissed something at me - it was a real word but unfortunately I don't remember it. It was clear though that the snake wanted to come after me. After I had climbed over the fence I started running toward the house and noticed that the snake had come through a gap in the fence and was following me. I ran into the house through the open screen door and slid it closed behind me, trapping the snake (which was a black mamba) and cutting it in two. This didn't kill the snake, that much I remember but unfortunately I starting remembering stories about guards who had killed snakes with machetes and wondering if I could do the same and then the dream petered out and I was awake.
The second dream involved a scorpion. I was sitting on a sofa happily watching television (I think although I'm not sure that is important) when I felt something crawling on my back. I shook myself and turned around to see a scorpion. Seeing me, the scorpion started to crawl onto the floor and back away. I found a shoe and struck the scorpion but the shoe had a rubber sole and the scorpion was well armored so the shoe did not kill the scorpion. It then started after me. I found some Doom (a strong insect spray) and, even though I knew this wouldn't kill it, started spraying at the scorpion while I looked for a knife. I found a hunting knife and threw it at the scorpion. The knife pierced the scorpion and killed it and I then picked up the knife with the scorpion on it and remember inspecting it to make sure it was dead - it really was. Then I woke up.
Anyone think that these dreams might mean something in relation to the issue I've been struggling with?