2010-02-05 20:08:16 UTC
It's quite difficult for me to explain but I'll try my best without making it too confusing.
So last night I went to bed feeling very tired but I couldn't seem to sleep straight away, I was just tossing and turning, which really is quite normal for me I guess. When I did finally get to sleep and start dreaming, I knew I was dreaming, I was aware of my dream. It was quite bizarre/weird but I can't remember what I was dreaming about now. I just remember waking up. Well I didn't actually wake up, not in reality anyway. I woke up from my bizarre dream, entering another dream "reality dream" as I call it. What's so strange about it is the fact that I'm almost certain that I opened my eyes. I looked at my boyfriend sleeping next to me, I looked around the bedroom and everything was there. There wasn't any blurred objects or things which seemed out of place. It was all as it should be, as it should look in waking life. I closed my eyes and entered that previous bizarre dream again (the one I can't remember) I knew I was dreaming and I didn't like this dream, so I woke myself up again, opening my eyes, looking at my boyfriend sleeping. I tried to reach out to my boyfriend, so I could nudge him a little (he was snoring, as he does) but I couldn't move and this is when I knew that I wasn't really waking up, that I was still dreaming... My eyes felt really heavy and just as I closed them again (closing them in my dream, I think?) I felt something pull me from behind, pulling me back in to that horrible dream which I've been trying to awake from.
This went on for awhile. Each time I'd wake up in to my "reality dream" try and nudge my boyfriend, talk or even turn over in the bed and I couldn't. Then I'd get pulled back in to the other dream.
It's quite scary when this happens. It's happened to me on 2 other occasions. What's so scary about it is thinking I have woken up when infact I haven't. It's so hard to know if I'm awake or stuck in my "reality dream" because everything seems real, looks real, sounds real. The only time I know the difference is when something bizarre happens and even then it's still very hard to wake up.
I don't know what's causing these dreams to happen or what it's even called when it does happen.
I've search the internet because it freaked me out a lot. There's some people who call it sleep paralysis and others saying it's Lucid dreaming... but isn't Lucid dreaming where you can control your dreams?
I'm aware I'm dreaming when this happens, but I can't control it, I can't wake myself up or IF I do wake myself up, I'm waking up in my dream and not reality.
Any opinions on this?