i need help interp. a dream. please nothing mean and serious answers only! ok, ive been having a dreams about death almost 3 nights in a row now. last night was the most detailed and scary. its usually people i dont know in real life, but for some reason i am close with them in my dreams. last nights was about a friend that i was in a dancing with fell and broke her neck and died on the way to the hospital. please dont think im crazy im not! ive never had dreams like this before!then after that i was back at my house gathering her things when about 3 cars of teens pulled in front of my house and begun to dispose of evidence that they used for murder! this is really scary for me what could these dreams mean?? also im pregnant, so i thought that may have something to do with it. also i have noticed that im having dreams about overeating and obesity. last night i was over eating in a resturaunt and then went to someones house to help them over come their weight problem! please help!