I’ve been having some inconsistencies with my dreaming. See, I know I'm not a bad person, most the times I try to do good things. It's just that I've always enjoyed simple violence. Not people suffering or bleeding. Just, say an explosion, things being thrown out of a window or, maybe cars crashes. I maybe like do violence, death even, but I've never seen it with morbid curiosity. I just saw it like a normal thing, I sometimes did abuse black humor, but I never really had such strong urges for violence, such that would spawn what I’ve been experiencing. It really worries me, because lately (this last year) I've been having these really, REALLY immensely violent dreams.
When I wake up from these dreams I hardly remember them, but I feel really disturbed by them. More than I usually do when I presence regular violence. I dismissed them at first, but they're getting... way too twisted, too violent and too graphic. I'm always a murderous, sadistic person. Here's a dream I had 3 days ago.