I am 19 and my supervisor is 33 and asked me out? Should I report this?
2016-09-07 12:03:52 UTC
I am 19 years old and I work at a gym where we teach children how to tumble. I work with other young girls my age some a little older and some a year or two younger and still in high school. My supervisor for whatever reason thought it was a good idea to ask me out. Of course I said NO! I am totally disgusted and creeped out because he is 14 years older than me and in my opinion it was totally inappropriate. I actually am going to quit the job because I am very uncomfortable now. But given there are other girls working there 17 and 18 and even 16 should I report this to corporate? This establishment is a franchise and he is the owner so not sure if there is much I can actually do but they still have a corporate office.
172 answers:
2016-09-09 01:48:20 UTC
You're 19, you're legal. It's nothing you can really report - he hasn't done anything bad and some people don't mind age differences - most celebrity marriages have huge age differences and so do many other people all over the world - just because it made you uncomfortable does not mean it's something to report. If he had asked the 16 year old out - I'm taking it you're American - then it would have been illegal and a case to report (in England the legal age is 16 so technically it would be fine here). If you feel too uncomfortable then yes, leave your job but it really shouldn't. Any time someone asks you out a job no matter their age are you just going to quit because you said no? You can't do that - you need to act mature and remember that you're at your place of work so you shouldn't be talking about things like that anyway. Just don't go out for drinks with him and it will be fine? If he harasses you then that is something to report but finding a man at 33 asking you out as 'creepy' is a bit childish when you're an adult yourself! You've told him no so there's no problem is there?
2016-09-09 08:39:39 UTC
If he just asked you out on a date, and didn t harass you or intimidate you, then I don t think he did anything wrong.

Although, I m not sure it is really a good idea to date an employee or co-worker because it causes gossip, drama, discontent, and sometimes favoritism. Or at least other employees will feel that there will be favoritism. Also, there are problems if the relationship breaks up.

I m in my late 40 s, so 33 seems young to me. A 33-year old is not exactly what you would call a senior citizen. It seems to me like maybe you feel uncomfortable in your new adult status. Someone over 30 asking you for a date was kind of a shock to you because you might still feel like a kid.
2016-09-12 15:10:54 UTC
If he has only asked you out and then not harassed you in any way, what did he really do? He found you attractive and asked for a date to get to know you better. Many 19 year olds date older men so I don't see it a big deal. I think you are over reacting unless there is something creepy going on. No one goes out with everyone that asks them, you just nicely say no. Dating at work is pretty stupid anyway. Changing jobs over it is over reacting too. While I don't want to say you seem pretty full of yourself without a lot of experience. Reporting this guy that did nothing wrong will put a blot on his record he doesn't deserve. If he is acting creepy, maybe then. Just be careful and go on about your business. Because he asked you out does not make him some kind of perv.
2016-09-08 11:00:46 UTC
There's really not much to report here, unless you want to tell his supervisor that he asked you out and you said no. Which probably won't go anywhere, and you will still have to change jobs if you feel uncomfortable. You're an adult, he's an adult. 19 years old is not unheard of to date a 30+ year old. You said no, he dropped it. That's pretty much just life, nothing criminal happened. If your company has a specific no dating policy I could see trying to report him to his boss, but things like this happen in the workplace. Usually its considered inappropriate (not criminal ) for a boss to date a worker, but it happens too.
2016-09-09 12:55:33 UTC
He's so old, huh? I remember being 19 and dating a guy 35. I felt like a little girl with a parent. I didn't work with him, however.

He figured "nothing ventured, nothing gained." and asked. You said no. Nothing to report.

Now if he asks you again or touches you or makes any "funny" remarks like how hot you look in your tutu, RUN, to HR or YOUR supervisor's boss and tell her that you have no interest and this man is bothering you. Tell her if this happens again, you will file a suit for harassment in the workplace and then DO IT.

If your boss has any brains at all, she will contact Romeo and tell him to STOP or get fired. If she doesn't say that, sue HER too.

Keep a record of every word he says to you. He is very unprofessional and creepy - everyone knows you don't screw the help!
2016-09-09 14:06:08 UTC
It's technically sexual harassment at work. You have a right to complain and to work free from being hit on, especially by a supervisor.

It's your call to report it or not. If it made you feel uncomfortable and you feel that you would like to formally complain then do so. The guy might make your life difficult because you have turned him down or become a sex pest so you can at least have his superior know before anything else happens. On the other hand, upper management might be on his side and you could end up making enemies
2016-09-07 12:16:37 UTC
If you're 18 years or older it's not illegal for someone that is 18 years or older to ask you out or even marry them regardless of how old they are. However, it is unethical for a supervisor to try and date a subordinate even if he was 20 and you're 19. And on that basis you should file a complaint to the corporate office. If you start talking about the age thing they may not take you as serious.
2016-09-10 09:12:08 UTC
What exactly was said when you were asked out? Did the supervisor specifically ask you out for a date, suggesting going out to dinner or a show or something in that line or was it more like asking at the end of the work day, "Hey, you want to go out and split a pizza?" Did your supervisor know of a shared interest or hobby that you could have talked about as friends? Does he just like you as a friend? More like a younger sister? Not every man is going to be attracted to you. I had a much younger supervisor of the opposite sex suggest she and I get together sometime to talk about a subject we were both interested in and I didn't find anything inappropriate in that.
2016-09-09 01:49:53 UTC
Okay...the people who said this is fine, no it's not fine. I don't care if it is legal, it is not professional at all of him to do that. Yes people can get in trouble for not being professional in a work environment. Yes people can get in trouble for not treating their customers or other employees with respect. It's really looked down upon when someone supervising you is acting in this way. Anywhere I have ever worked, this wasn't allowed, period. It's supposed to be a work environment and don't need that. Yep, report it. He shouldn't have that job if he's hitting on the girls there. If it makes you uncomfortable report it. People have the right to go to work without being hit on in the workplace. It's just not cool. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right or okay with the boss or company! Report it.

Just say he hit on you, and it made you uncomfortable to the boss. The boss will probably tell him to bugger off, which he should. The boss probably wants to keep the environment professional and so does everyone else working there. They don't need some creepo hitting on them.
2016-09-12 09:03:19 UTC
You're overreacting. I don't know what the rules are at your workplace on fraternization, but if there are infractions against this then you could maybe argue on this. However, I feel like you are going too far, as he has done nothing wrong. I feel like this is your personal issue.

If you feel this uncomfortable with the age gap, then you need to grow up. Throughout your life, men, especially older men, will likely proposition you because I'm sure that you must be somewhat of an attractive young woman in their eyes. This doesn't mean that you must accept, but just know that this will happen. Are you going to report every man who shows interest in you? Come on...After all, you are now of legal adult age.
2016-09-08 17:16:55 UTC
There's absolutely nothing legally wrong with what he did. Why be disgusted that he asked you out? Just because of his age? You're an adult, he's an adult...nothing at all abnormal about that, happens all the time. I'm 32 and I've dated a 19 year old who asked me out. If you declined and he continues to ask then I'd understand feeling uncomfortable but if he asked, you declined and he's left it alone then you need to grow up and get some thicker skin. 15 years she difference isn't a big deal.
2016-09-10 14:33:46 UTC
You're overreacting when I was 16 I had a boyfriend who was 24 I got asked out by a 40 year old few months ago when I was 18 and I just turned 19 last week.

I politely refused him since I was not really attracted to him back but maybe if I was attracted to him I would have considered it.
2016-09-11 22:30:12 UTC
Apparently, you are totally disgusted and creeped out because he is 14 years older than you and he just asked you out. Wow!!! Unless he kept after you or started harassing you, then I would leave it alone if I were you. It can be quite damaging to someone's career if someone like you gets petty about something that wasn't warranted to be reported. People ask each other out at work sometimes. I agree with the majority of those that think you are making more of a big deal here than you need to. You need to grow up and grow some thick skin if you are going to complain about every little thing, princess! If you want to quit your job, that's up to you. But you are being rather petty about it. I've asked a coworker of mine out once and she turned me down. But she didn't report me and we are still friends to this day. She and I are even the same age difference as you and this guy. You just displayed the difference (romantic/dating difference anyways) between older millennials and the younger millennials - I'm 32 myself. Thank you for reminding me that women like you should be avoided. Some of us need a little love. I guess I need to look elsewhere for love, because I can't (and quite frankly, don't want to) get it from people of your kind.
Paws Claws Legs and Fang
2016-09-10 14:21:45 UTC
There is no harm in someone asking you out, at the end of the day, if he only asked once and left it alone, then why report it? Take it as a compliment that he asked rather than an attack.

If he persisted then it's a case of harassment NOT sexual harassment. Look what happened to the boy who cried wolf.

Do you really want to report someone for something that was harmless and maybe cost him his career?

Something like that happened to me years ago. A girl twice plus my age asked me out. I kindly declined. Not that I see any problem with age gap relationships, she just wasn't my type, but wouldn't you know it, we are like best friends now.

Not everything is as bad as first seems.
2016-09-08 13:28:16 UTC
No. but if you should not date your supervisor, and he continues to ask or makes advances that are unwelcome then, you can report him to the company h/r department. Even a franchise has to toe the line on the parent company's h/r policy.

Personally never date a co-worker or boss since if the relationship goes South, you might be in a bad position .

The other party be it co-worker or boss could make your professional life a living hell.

I learn from a life experience when I had a personal relationship with a co-worker, many years ago.
2016-09-08 02:14:04 UTC
Unfortunately, unless you look like Hillary you will encounter this all your life. Men like younger women and there are a lot of predator's out there. If he hasn't carried it any farther than asking then there's no harm and as far as leaving a job because he asked you may find yourself in a lot of temporary jobs. You are young and will learn that we have to sometimes put up with people we are uncomfortable around or make us feel creepy but as long a no rule or law is broken just do your job and collect the pay or find another job but I wouldn't put reason for leaving your last job was creepy boss. As for weather he approaches the minors that work there, well don't accuse unless you really have proof. False accusations are sometimes as damaging as a conviction.
The Duke
2016-09-09 08:53:43 UTC
About the only thing you could do would be to go to HR about possible harassment. However, if he only asked you out one time and didn't pursue it after you said no I don't think there's even a harassment case. Talk to the younger girls, before you leave, and see if he's hit on them. If he has then he's crossed a line, if not then it could just be that he liked you.

At 19 you are a legal adult so, other than age difference, he didn't do anything legally wrong.

2016-09-08 20:11:43 UTC
On a business perspective, it should be reported as most company policies do not grant someone in a higher position to "date" or participate in a relationship with someone In a lower position (mainly to avoid possible employment benefits). Of course, this can generally be overruled having a quick chat with your Human Resources Department.

On a personal level, it comes to personal preference. If you're asking this question, then it sounds like you are uncomfortable with the situation. You should respectively tell your supervisor you are uninterested, if it becomes an issue (such as him targeting you on a level of employment, or harassing you), speaking with his Supervisor, or Human Resources will usually end that quickly.

Human Resources is essentially the highest level you can speak to, they are above all management, and are able to fully enforce a policy as it's written ... If it leads to that.

I hope this helps!
2016-09-08 21:06:36 UTC
Wow really?

What's to report?

Asking someone out is nice thing to do.

If it was sexual harassment than yes.

Asking someone out is human nature

Most people don't get out enough after work

And finding someone on first day out in public is kind of weird.

You have to get to know someone and work is best place to get to know someone .

You can tell the person no.

Without a reason a simple no is all needed to say. It explains without reason.

If you feel strange or upset you need to understand he did nothing wrong by asking.

You are rude to try to turn a person in who admires your personality

Turning a person in only makes the person who likes you dislikes you when you show how ugly you can be by turning him in.

Apologize and say I'm sorry no you cant.

Be a lady and be nice
2016-09-09 02:21:12 UTC
In Britain a relationship between a 19 year old and a 33 year old is not illegal, not even in the context of worker and boss. For the moment I suggest no action by you. Obviously you will not go for a date or even a "casual meal" with him - that is your choice when asked out by any person of any age. Check the law in your country about minimum ages.

If he becomes persistent and it really bothers you then certainly you should report him to the next higher boss above him. The police could only become involved in the case of very persistent bothering, or of physical touching which was obviously sexual in intention. Clearly, the police would be very busy with such ceses if everybody who was asked out once by an unwelcome person reported that fact. Just remember that you are free to reject any personal suggestion of his.
Smokies Hiker
2016-09-08 17:02:23 UTC
There's really no crime that has been committed here. Since you are both adults, the age difference makes no difference under the law. Unless there is something in the corporate book about supervisors dating an employee, this guy has done nothing wrong. If you tell him you're definitely not interested and he persists, then you can tell him you intend to contact corporate if he approaches you again.
2016-09-07 21:02:42 UTC
Not sure at all why you, an adult over 18, doesn't understand that someone creeping you out is *not* something to be reported. He hasn't done anything wrong.

He asked you out.

You said no.

He hasn't brought it up again.

End of story.

Nothing at all to report to anyone, there.

It sounds like you don't quite understand that you are not a minor but an adult.
2016-09-09 09:28:48 UTC
I suppose you could report it to his supervisor. I don't see what's so disgusting, though. He simply asked a question. It's not as if there was sexual harassment going on or he started groping you. Something wrong here? It might be considered inappropriate considering the professional nature of your relationship, that being said it could possibly be some sort of rule violation.
2016-09-11 23:14:12 UTC
Asking someone out is not a crime as long as they're legal. Even if they're not, there's no law against dating someone underage as long as age of consent laws are still followed. However, there may be under certain conditions be a valid claim of sexual harassment.

P.S. I was 20 and dated a 29-year-old woman. Age differences might creep some people out, but they're not illegal. If you're looking for something to report him on. You are probably going to have to pursue something like hostile work environment. If all he did was all you out, that's pretty much hopeless. Being "creepy" isn't a crime.

Some companies might have strict rules about superiors and their subordinates dating in to prevent abuse of power in either direction. In that case, it may be possible to get him on something like that.

Honestly though, unless he did something else, there's nobody to report him to. You are over the age of consent.
2016-09-08 21:26:38 UTC
If that situation made you feel uncomfortable, then by all means go ahead and report that. I can understand as I was almost in a similar situation at my ex-job except my co-worker was 19 and I was 17 at the time and he just made suggestions rather than actually ask me out. I would also have to go off of what sheriff said with him persisting if he says no, but do whatever you feel is best. :) Hope that helps.
2016-09-09 01:42:49 UTC
YES, it because it has clearly made you uncomfortable enuf to write and ask a bunch of total strangers,he probably only hired you for that purpose,and just because you are a young adult doesn't mean that you should put up with some fecking a**hole making you feel uneasy while you are at work. Creep probably sits in his office behind some two way mirror looking out over the young girls and masturbates. EEEWWWWW now when you go to work you'll be really creeped out! (sorry I just could not resist)Give notice and get away from there as soon as you can and send over franchisees an email, also tell them you also need a work recommendation for applications or resumes for your next job.It might just let him know it really was not ok as some of these other a**holes seem to think,because they do it, does not make it ok. It's work not some dating website. Some guys just do not get it,how degrading it is to have someone hitting on you, making passes or lewd comments while you are trying to fricking work. It doesn't have anything to do with how old everyone is.Him being the manager/owner he should be professional enuf to keep his "head" about him and out of her pants long enuf to get thru the work day. He needs to grow up and realize no matter who it is,how beautiful,sexy,or irresistible they are to him he needs to remember seeing,dating,f**king someone at work,especially someone that works for him never turns out ok. Major trouble.
2016-09-09 22:52:55 UTC
If he just asked you out, i would not report it. If he starts treating you poorly now or harassing you, I'd report that.

33 is not that old, haha. You are very young. For all you know he might be a decent man who just happens to like you a lot. You've got nothing to report so far.
2016-09-08 19:23:04 UTC
Since you are both adults, the age difference makes no difference under the law. Unless there is something in the corporate book about supervisors dating an employee, this guy has done nothing wrong. If you tell him you're definitely not interested and he persists, then you can tell him you intend to contact corporate if he approaches you again.
2016-09-09 18:59:19 UTC
I'm 19 as well, but wow it is sad that we have come to such a generation of spoiled, entitled kids that get offended or feel harassed when someone asks them out. Like really, what is your problem if you even think of reporting him? Just say no. What a magical word.
2016-09-09 03:35:10 UTC
I would definitely report it, The guy might not be fired but it definitely needs to be documented for the safety of any females who work there in the future. Any man with common decency wouldnt have been so forward with the huge age difference. A creep or pervert ? ABSOLUTELY! I am a man. He had no doubt whatsoever it was inappropriate, trust me ! If he feigns innocence, that is a really bad sign. Being a BOSS of a similar age would be inappropriate by itself ! I would quit the job under any circumstances.
2016-09-10 22:06:54 UTC
If any thing you will be the one to be told to Bugger off!

There is nothing to report is he asked you out and you said not and that was the finish of it.

Then you will come across as an immature kid who's only interest is to get some body the sack on your whim!

If any thing your acting like a kid!

Grow up this is a normal adult situation which happens.
2016-09-09 08:41:31 UTC
Probably you should just go out with him. He is your boss and you want to make him happy. Maybe you'll fall in love. I'm 40 years old and see nothing wrong with dating an 18 or 19 year old girl. They're very pretty at that age.
2016-09-08 14:23:42 UTC
All the defensive answers here are from creepy men who must do this all the time to younger women. No you can't report that. But if he retaliates and begins to mistreat you or try to fire or push you out because you said no, then you have a case. Watch out. This has happened to me before especially when I was your age. It happened ALOT. I have realized that men like women that age bc they think you are naive and stupid enough to get with someone with low self esteem like them. That is ultimately what they like, your naivety, and the superiority and power they would feel from being with someone who doesn't know anything about life yet. Be careful, it's still a mans world and men abuse it
2016-09-10 04:56:28 UTC
There is nothing to report. You're both legally adults and from what you are saying he hasn't touched or harassed you. You said no....end of story. Reporting this would make your workplace a very uncomfortable environment. Think before you act and cause unnecessary drama, or quit and look for another job if it bothers you that much.
2016-09-08 23:44:31 UTC
You are completely overreacting. Think about how you feel about a guy you might like. This is how MANY 30 year old men view YOU and girls your age. And it's natural. Also, there is no law - human or from God-- forbidding age differences in marriages etc. If he touched you against your will, or kept harassing you for date repeatedly, or threatened to fire you if you won't date him, then YES do something. But from what you described-- NO - you need to let this go and relax and smile.
2016-09-12 17:56:21 UTC
He's afraid of getting older and undoubtedly wants to be 20 instead of 33. Hopefully he doesn't have a unhealthy attraction to young women, otherwise I don't think it's smart for business to play adult games in a business that caters to children.
2016-09-10 12:54:14 UTC
Your of legal age and a man asking you out is perfectly legal you'll just end up where men can't do anything through fear of retaliation. Imagine a guy at work you really like. Well kiss it good bye.

If you say no and he persists then you can report it under inappropriate work behaviour.
2016-09-08 21:06:02 UTC
If you have been affected by his actions enough to quit your job, this situation is definitely in the sexual harassment category. Asking anyone out at work regardless of an age difference is always a gamble. Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual advance or comment. As to him being your supervisor, his actions were very unprofessional. So if you feel you should report him for sexual harassment, you should do so.
2016-09-07 12:07:16 UTC
There is very little a franchise corporate can do. You and the others above 18 are adults and it is not illegal to ask you out in anyway. If you feel sexually harassed file an EEOC claim. But if he just asked you out and didn't retaliate when you said no then you don't have a claim.
2016-09-08 13:35:19 UTC
Dont see what the problem is - i was asking 19 yr old women out when i was 33, some said yes - some said no, thats all you need to do
2016-09-09 12:14:41 UTC
Stop acting like your 15yo. You're 19. He asked you out and you said no. Before you go over his head like a bytch and try to get him fired you should speak to HIM. Tell him your feelings, that he made you feel uncomfortable and ask him not to do it again. If he continues though report him otherwise leave the man alone. Act like an adult not a kid
2016-09-07 12:49:30 UTC
I don't see the big deal here. You are of age and an adult. He ask you out...he was just taking a shot. Besides, 33 isn't that old. I know it seems like it, due to your age difference, but that is still a young guy. There is alot crazier relationships out me.
2016-09-10 13:19:08 UTC
I could see if you was like 13 or something but you're 19. It's sad when girls are so eager to whip out the victim card. No offense to you, I'm just saying. Anywatz, as for him. He is a little piggy for asking you out. Just a little piggy. Not a lot piggy. Lol.
2016-09-09 07:56:47 UTC
No. If he harassed or threatened you, you could report him. It is not immoral for a guy to ask a girl out. If guys asking girls was outlawed the human species would go extinct.

Don't make a fuss about the age difference. There's a big age difference between my parents and are going to say my parents' marriage is invalid due to their age difference?
2016-09-09 19:31:39 UTC
You sound very immature to me ...are you for real? you want to report a man because he asked you out? DID HE TOUCH YOU? WAS HE STALKING YOU? HAS HE BOTHERED YOU IN ANY WAY SINCE YOU REFUSED? W T F ARE YOU GOING TO REPORT HIM FOR ? ...ridiculous you must be some kinda drama queen...havn't gotten your quota of attention lately or something??

I have read all the answers here....I could be completely wrong. It has opened up my eyes to the situation for sure. BUT still only you can really answer the question ....unless your company has a rule against it..and from the looks of it they just might . I think if it were me and i got the creeps ..i would report...I would most likely wait to see if he was going to push it I would really have something to report on. TRUST YOUR GUT ...IT NEVER LIES TO YOU.
2016-09-08 09:18:22 UTC
here is very little a franchise corporate can do. You and the others above 18 are adults and it is not illegal to ask you out in anyway. If you feel sexually harassed file an EEOC claim. But if he just asked you out and didn't retaliate when you said no then you don't have a claim.
2016-09-07 22:10:51 UTC
You should have said yes! He is not a creep for asking you out. He is not old hunny let see what a guy your age would do for you not a damn thing. Guys your age wouldn't even ask you out so you should be flattered. All a guy your age would ask is "you wanna Netflix and Chill ". Report him for what by the way he isn't commitingva a crime by asking you out. All you can do is say no
2016-09-11 15:33:49 UTC
It's an abuse of power for a boss to ask out an employee, especially one so young. It's probably worth an informal word with HR to start with so at least they have this on record and will know to keep an eye on him.
2016-09-08 20:18:42 UTC
In Australia this would be sexual harassment under the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act. Any request for a date which is unwelcome is harassment, even the first request can be considered harassment. So it is unwise for any man to ask for a date at work. The problem is that he is the boss, so who do you complain to? However if you feel compelled to leave your job, maybe you could speak to a feminist lawyer and sue for loss of earnings while you look for another job.

The other women at the gym are not your responsibility.
janna w
2016-09-09 21:55:40 UTC
I agree with you. If you're uncomfortable report it. At best you're overreacting; at worst he's a perv. I think you should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS follow your gut instincts.

He'll either apologize and realize how inappropriate his behavior as your supervisor is or you'll be out of a job (that you are considering leaving anyway).
2016-09-14 11:38:56 UTC
Honestly I think him asking you on a date was enough,I wouldn't quite quit but maybe u can change positions in the gym. WHY THE HELL doesn't he go for someone close to his age. Men are so disgusting, yeah it might be legal watever but like u said it's not right. Men only want ONE thing,and I hope you know what that is. From experience older men are not the way to go. Your young be a free bird not go on dates with old as men. Yuck!
2016-09-10 17:36:39 UTC
It is not good for co-workers to date other workers. This man is in a position of power, as a supervisor, and so for him to ask you out is inappropriate at this level. The age thing isn't illegal, even if it is creepy.
Nyeka Graves
2016-09-10 21:30:11 UTC
You can report it but not much can be done. He didn't touch you or say anything inappropriate and you are 19 so I would say no. Just move to a different location
2016-09-08 07:21:37 UTC
dont go out with a 33 year old man thats bad for a 19 year old to do
2016-09-09 15:30:43 UTC
Yes, you should report it. No supervisor should be asking his employees out. It is sexual harassment.

It is illegal, in my state, for teachers to date their own students, even if the student is an adult, because the teacher has authority over the student. The teacher could say, "Date me, or fail the class." Which is sexual harassment and abuse of power.

The same should be done with the employer / employee relationship. It should be illegal for an employer to date his own employee for the same reason. The employer could say, "Date me, or you're fired." Which is sexual harassment and abuse of power. If that happens, you can sue.

No teacher, no employer, no one else should be forcing people into a relationship. Even the appearance of force is wrong. Your boss asking you out is the appearance of such force.

Reject his advances and report him to his boss. If you do, and he is not fired, demoted, or re-assigned, report him and the company to the authorities.
Steven S
2016-09-09 01:36:08 UTC
In many businesses management is prohibited from fraternizing with employees because it creates a conflict of interests. The age issue would be a huge concern also. Report this to upper management.
2016-09-12 13:05:32 UTC
Because how dare he, he should know his place, how dare he think he has the right to talk to a woman, where does he get off thinking he has freedom of speech, right? His freedom of speech PALES in comparison to your right to never be offended by having a man you deem beneath your social status talking to you, princess. Off with his head.

No, you don't need to report this. Just tell him you're a vile bigoted meanspirited woman who will try to hurt him at any opportunity for inadvertently being offensive to you because you feel entitled to never be offended because you're shrouded in privilege and a superiority complex and he will give you the distance you deserve to be kept from everyone. You know what, you offend me. I wonder who I can report that to? I feel MY right to never be offended has been violated by your existence now. Amends must be made.
2016-09-07 12:06:47 UTC
Him asking you out is not a crime, nor is it something morally wrong, regardless of the age difference. It might be a violation of work place rules, you will need to review your employer's rules. So it creeps you out, understandable, and you have said "no". If he continues to ask you out, then you should report it to your employer as an unwanted advance. Then the employer has obligations under the law to take action.
2016-09-08 17:42:08 UTC
Are you not an adult at 19 years of age? He'd probably be a far better choice than a guy your own age.
2016-09-08 22:21:44 UTC
If he's a male and your a female it would be creepy af. But I don't really think that's something you can report. If he started to harass you or not leave you alone then that's a red flag
2016-09-09 12:06:54 UTC
I know it must hurt you to hear that you are old enough but that is the truth. You aren't a child anymore and you shouldn't see yourself as one. I know you're young but he is young as well, 34 is not even middle age yet. If he was at least 45... It would look like you were only with him for money but it would never look like you were being taken advantaged of, you're too old for this.
2016-09-09 11:51:33 UTC
NO, you are not a child. She asked you out, that means out, like dinner. Besides IF you were to report that supervisor, and then... well.
2016-09-10 21:03:27 UTC
Your barely legal, men like that, but hes a creep, those fantasies should be satisfied on pornhub, not real life, if hes inappropiate, go to the labor board for sexual harassment, you cant be fired, if and when he finds out, if you are, you can go to the labor board again, get a free lawyer and sue them to get your job back, and your supervisor would subsequently get terminated from his position
Cody Anthony
2016-09-09 09:15:21 UTC
The way I see it, there's nothing wrong because you're legal but I wouldn't date anyone who's over 10 years older/younger than me. That's just me, I dint know about you but I do see it a little bit disgusting so you did the right thing somewhat.
2016-09-09 00:22:27 UTC
Unless there is a rule where you work forbidding any social interaction between staff then there's nothing to report.

I suppose you could report him for sexual harassment, but is he harassing you or did he just ask you out. Persistently asking you out could be considered sexual harassment but a one off is not really harassment.
2016-09-10 06:44:21 UTC
initially i'd ignore it for the time being. if he does it again...then immediately report it. ultimately, you know what makes you feel uncomfortable far better than i do considering im a male. he better cut the crap with this asking you out thing. it sounds like to me he may be a problem at work. no woman deserves to go through what you're going through ever.
2016-09-07 14:25:29 UTC
Your supervisor has asked you out, probably not the wisest move but it's hardly worth getting in a state over, politely decline then forget about it, if he/she persists then you report them, otherwise just forget about it.
2016-09-09 05:04:13 UTC
The real question is are you hot (and can you provide pictures) and is he well endowed. If so - It might be a nice experience for you to have a fling with an experienced older man that is not 19, covered in acne, insecure, and bad at sex.....
2016-09-09 18:19:32 UTC
If he continues to ask you out or pursue you after you tell him no, then you can report him.

Usually though they dont allow a supervisor to date their employees to be honest though.
2016-09-08 07:22:43 UTC
You are over 18! (16 in my country is the legal age to have a parnter)

My fiancee is 10 years older than me, its only a number, GROW UP!

you are an adult and you should start acting like one.
2016-09-08 10:11:54 UTC
Reporting it will make you look like an Idiot, if you're over 18 it's legal.
Nekkid Truth!
2016-09-08 03:40:11 UTC
Report him for what? Asking another ADULT to go out isn't illegal.

Just because he asked out someone who is quite a bit younger, does not mean he is going to target the underage clients.
2016-09-09 03:24:45 UTC
2016-09-10 05:19:32 UTC
No. You're just over reacting. Pretty sure you're not a minor yourself and accroding to what you said no one around you is a child. Why be creeped out ?
2016-09-08 14:56:46 UTC
Well, he hasn't really don't anything wrong or illegal so reporting it would be a waste of time. Sounds like something a feminazi would do lol.
2016-09-08 08:05:47 UTC
You're over 18 so it's legal. Tell him you're not interested. ONLY report him if he sexually assaults you or actually tries to bring harm to you.
2016-09-07 14:36:22 UTC
Seriously? Time to grow up, cupcake. I get not wanting to go out with the guy, and in that case a simple "thanks but I make a policy not to date coworkers for obvious reasons" and moving on with your life. Just because he asked out a so-called adult doesn't mean he's going to ask minors out.
2016-09-07 15:10:23 UTC
Your just sad, all he did was ask you out. He didn't harm you he didn't seem to have sexual intentions. Your just overreacting because your shiny prince hasn't asked you out. Stop being a selfish hard thinking ***** and forget about it
spot a
2016-09-09 00:47:17 UTC
Your boss did nothing wrong. You are reacting badly. You need to get a more mature attitude. You can quit your job and get a job with the thought police., or you can have a chat with your boss about your feelings if you are adult enough to do that without losing your cool.
2016-09-09 18:13:46 UTC
He may be franchise owner but not perhaps CEO or Corporate Owner of the company. If you fear that he may pressure younger girls perhaps expressing written concern to CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS HUMAN RESOURCES would be good idea...As well as informing / advising younger employees to decline such actions..I being in the workforce for 40 years do not feel that his actions are correct.
2016-09-08 14:52:23 UTC
Yes, contact the corporate Human Resources Office.
Anne Campbell
2016-09-08 07:24:38 UTC
You are a grown woman and it is time to act like one. So he asked you out. all you had to do was politely decline. If you make a big deal of this you will end up looking silly.
2016-09-08 00:14:36 UTC
Why? You're 19. The guy can ask you out.
2016-09-08 03:20:12 UTC
You are of age of conscent. If you are 18+ then age is pretty much just a number in love. You are an over reacting dramatic *****. He deserves much bettter tbh
2016-09-09 11:18:34 UTC
Get over yourself. Be glad someone actually asked you out in the first place. Life is short go have some fun.
2016-09-09 06:50:02 UTC
No, don't report him. Maybe go out on a date with him? It could be fun.
2016-09-09 16:51:09 UTC
you can cry wolf if you want to , but even if he suffers some sort of problem based on the fact that he found you attractive . the compliment he gave you has been slammed to the ground . the roses ,as it were , then tromped on ... sufficient punishment all by itself but go ahead and kick him while he's down if you want to . after all men should know better then to flirt .
2016-09-08 08:11:47 UTC
Umm, you're both adults. What illegal activity occurred for you to report? Go back to your safe space.
2016-09-08 14:58:19 UTC
Your both adults. He's still young and has desires. You sound as many would say "immature", but prefer foolish and delusional. Your no answer should suffice. Grow up!
2016-09-09 10:48:26 UTC
2016-09-09 12:02:44 UTC
He hasn't even broken the law. You're of legal age and It's not a crime to ask someone out.
2016-09-11 09:31:05 UTC
You are an ageist fool. I am 17 and I wish a 33 year old man would take me on a date and let me touch his bum.
2016-09-09 11:39:19 UTC
So you wanna report a guy because he asked you out? What a bitchh
2016-09-08 07:46:53 UTC
Unless there is a company policy that forbids employees from dating...YOU HAVE NO FOOT TO STAND ON.

If this "jerk" as you think of him...DROVE a LAMBO and had gold jewelry and wads of cash in his pockets all the time and could dress to the nines....YOU WOULD TOTALLY GO OUT WITH HIM.
2016-09-09 04:53:38 UTC
You are of legal age however if your company policy forbids employees being in relationships absolutely report it
2016-09-12 03:45:11 UTC
My answer is NO. You can report it, but you'll end up looking silly.

Now my question- Why would he want to date such and uptight person?
2016-09-09 03:47:55 UTC
You should have took it as a compliment. Age is just a number as long as it's not underage.
2016-09-08 00:32:21 UTC
You're over age, i get the 14 year difference but maybe he thought you were older?
2016-09-09 11:45:45 UTC
Oh for god's sake, it is not illegal to ask you out, you said no, move on and stop being such a drama queen about it.
2016-09-08 18:13:57 UTC
Haven't you heard of Cougars man?
2016-09-07 12:06:42 UTC
What is it he did wrong? He owns an independent franchise and an adult man asked out an adult woman. Nothing wrong with that, legally.
2016-09-10 16:17:07 UTC
nothing to report, this is legal as you are an adult in the eyes of the law. if anything, reporting this will not help you, but if you feel it inappropriate then you may report it, although nothing will come of it
2016-09-11 00:39:05 UTC
Always take your birth control pills. Don't miss a day.
2016-09-07 13:14:44 UTC
Well break out the guillotine , stocks, flails and whips... Seems like we got an asker outer guy! He must be purified at once!
2016-09-12 06:28:38 UTC
Why would you? Youre both adults and if the age difference bothers you, just say no. That simple. This happens to girls on the daily.
2016-09-10 07:33:28 UTC
Even though you are technically legal it is still kind of creepy of him. But once you are legal you can't really complain about it.
2016-09-13 06:53:01 UTC
If its against company policy then maybe, but if you don't want to then just say no
2016-09-09 17:02:59 UTC
You are not a teen and you have the right to say no, and that's as far as it will go.
2016-09-10 09:04:08 UTC
Unless they asked specifically for sex there is nothing to report.
2016-09-08 09:07:35 UTC
well maybe you should report him. if you guys were cool or something and he asked maybe you should give him a chance. but if he is like a threat then i guess he should be reported.
2016-09-11 17:47:21 UTC
Are you aware that 19 is an adult?
2016-09-09 11:40:35 UTC
What is the qualification for teaching small children to tumble ? I should think it quite a short course.
2016-09-07 12:06:15 UTC
He asked you out, so what? He didn't force you and you are of age. Now you want revenge?
2016-09-08 17:15:50 UTC
Grow up
2016-09-08 08:53:11 UTC
You're an adult now just say no you're not interested if sexually assault you then call the police
2016-09-08 03:49:24 UTC
Yeah, that's disgusting if you don't like him
2016-09-09 23:05:59 UTC
Yes it is sexual harrassment. Get evidence, witnesses if any. Then give information to human resource.
Hi there
2016-09-09 16:20:05 UTC
No you're over reacting. maybe he just thought you were pretty or liked your personality
2016-09-08 09:08:19 UTC
Only if they ask repeatedly after being turned down.
2016-09-20 05:29:23 UTC
don't go out with him, he wants to rape you or do sex with you. i have a feeling that ugly scumbag went out with 100 other girls before you!!! f*ck. if you want to report him, go to police station.
2016-09-07 12:14:56 UTC
quit your job, go home, seal yourself into your mommy's laundry room, and wait out your life in perfect protection from anything creepier than laundry.
2016-09-08 11:38:16 UTC
From what you wrote, no crime was committed, other than him asking a stupid dimwit out to begin with.
2016-09-07 15:32:04 UTC
Wow, you are a truly disgusting person. I hope one day karma catches up with you.
2016-09-08 14:31:11 UTC
You're an adult just say you're not interested that it
2016-09-08 22:10:51 UTC
I would just wait and see. You should tell some people so you can cooroborate your story though.
Lois Griffin
2016-09-10 09:24:07 UTC
you can report this, not to the police, but to the company's management.

it's not illegal, but it is inappropriate activity.
Free Advice
2016-09-13 18:08:00 UTC
I would never date a co-worker of any age; it is not good for either of you.
2016-09-08 10:10:48 UTC
No. But if you feel he is being inappropriate and can explain how he is you can report it.
2016-09-09 18:52:03 UTC
No unless he starts getting really weird
2016-09-07 15:26:55 UTC
You're an adult, it's not illegal to ask you out.
Graham S
2016-09-09 18:11:00 UTC
You are not a little child, Tell him No ...if he persists and harasses you then complain the boss of your company first ....
2016-09-08 22:44:26 UTC
Report him that is disgusting
2016-09-10 06:48:31 UTC
The worlds a dangerous place with you in it.
k w
2016-09-07 22:13:59 UTC
it's not illegal to ask one out of legal age !.....when did you become a paranoid communist ?
2016-09-10 11:07:33 UTC
That is not harressment until you say no and do not be unprofessional and again at work.
2016-09-07 12:10:06 UTC
Thing is he hasn't harassed you so not much they can do.
2016-09-07 12:06:02 UTC
You are an adult and he is free to ask you out.
2016-09-09 09:22:44 UTC
Grow up and get over it and your self .
2016-09-09 14:53:42 UTC
if you felt it was inappropraite but you're of age
2016-09-09 08:58:38 UTC
If you think he crossed the line yes,other than that no
2016-09-11 01:13:19 UTC
no girl you set out there give him a good time ; )
2016-09-07 12:04:59 UTC
yes, you need to say something. dont let this creep do this to another gal, you probly arent the first the last one
2016-09-08 01:44:51 UTC
Listen to yourself and do what feels best.
2016-09-07 12:06:07 UTC
if you do not you like this behavior ten report
que te jodan
2016-09-09 04:32:36 UTC
lol I guess you could.not seeing what good it would do since you are an adult
2016-09-09 19:11:48 UTC
Get him arrested. Lol.
2016-09-09 11:30:32 UTC
2016-09-08 18:05:51 UTC
2016-09-10 20:20:03 UTC
2016-09-09 05:12:24 UTC
No Y u are lucky someone wants u
Guru Hank
2016-09-11 07:07:06 UTC
You should maybe grow up.
2016-09-07 12:22:19 UTC
If you have proof he actually did it, then go for it.
2016-09-09 05:15:58 UTC
2016-09-09 05:30:40 UTC
Just say no, and keep it movin.
2016-09-09 10:42:39 UTC
no, but if he or she continues to ask or starts acting out or harasses you, please report
2016-09-10 10:33:36 UTC
YOU should call the police and tell them he raped you
2016-09-09 19:57:56 UTC
Have sex with him. He would probably enjoy it.
Linda R
2016-09-09 15:02:54 UTC
ABSOLUTELY report the scum ball to corporate!!!
2016-09-08 05:12:49 UTC
This is wrong question, you should change it!
2016-09-07 23:16:18 UTC
2016-09-11 06:41:03 UTC
ohh this will get freakeyyyy ;)
2016-09-07 12:54:21 UTC
stop your ageism
2016-09-08 14:36:21 UTC
well. good luck with that
2016-09-09 12:58:57 UTC
I am so sorry. If you know more..
2016-09-07 13:28:21 UTC
Call the sex police!
2016-09-08 20:40:13 UTC
Your good its not illegal.
2016-09-11 17:48:34 UTC
Dumb, no just say no!
2016-09-09 08:40:19 UTC
This question is ******* stupid.
2016-09-08 23:05:57 UTC
2016-09-08 12:58:14 UTC
2016-09-09 17:29:25 UTC
2016-09-08 13:54:45 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.