If the tower is 12 stories tall then you need light of revelation that will keep you learning more about each story from ground floor to the twelfth.
You definitely do not want to continue down into the maze of snares, prisons and filth below.
Abraham sought for a city with foundations whose builder and maker is God.
The name of the LORD is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and are safe. I have had the dream recurring of the city or tower of God with twelve foundations or levels. I have several Bible charts I can share with you about this dream or vision. Each level gives greater anointing in the service of God's kingdom. Here is a brief description of each of the 12 levels as we start at the bottom level 1 and work our way up to level 12. When I first had the dream from God I could not see the stairs because the whole building was dark to me. The light of revelation came as I grew in Christ.
12. Asher (Happy) Apostle called to break new ground in Church planting
11. Gad (Troop or fortune) Prophets called to preach the Word and bring great strength to the Pastor and body
10. Zebulun (Habitation) Evangelist called to preach the Word establishing it with a second witness reinforcing the
Pastor in his labor
9. Issachar (Hire) Pastors called and appointed oversight to the body & to preach the Word
8. Simon (Hearing) Teachers or appointed Elders in the body
7. Dan (Judge) Deacon, work force in the ministry to the saints
6. Benjamin (Son or the right hand) a proven saint in spirit, soul, mind and body exemplifying Christ likeness
5. Joseph (Let him add adding) strength to advance the kingdom, following peace with all men
4. Levi (Attached) strength to restore the weak & the backsliders, seeking and saving the lost
3. Judah (Praise) love truth of Apostolic doctrine ready to teach—king becoming anointed to make disciples
2. Ruben (a son) first born - a living sacrifice in travail for Christ to be formed in the Church again—priest of grace
1. Naphtali (my wrestling) subdue the goat self nature - be a sheep keeping yourself in the love of God with worship
in spirit and truth so you can be a witness of the LOVE of God
Obey Acts 2:38 before it is too late.