can anyone interpret this dream?
2009-04-20 20:10:31 UTC
i been having this dream for a long time now. i'm kinda in this dark tower where the only light is that of the moon shining thru these many windows. and i'm at the top of this wooden stair case that kinda spirals down the tower. and at the bottom of this tower is wat loox 2 b this dark pit or empty well and everytime im always going down the stair case only further and further with each dream. so who can tell me wat this dream means? cuz it's drivin me nuts.
Five answers:
2009-04-21 01:53:43 UTC
The Tower is what Carl Jung of dream interpretation fame would call a "universal symbol". These symbols are the few that in dreams and literature, strike a chord of truth in the workings of nature and the self, even across cultural and language differences. The gentleman who answered that the top of the Tower signifies Christ Consciousness is onto something, for the Tower stands for *awakening*. The awakening occurs when false ideologies and indoctrinations slip away, and the person comes to a realization of truth, the kind of truth that is not dependent on some "system" of mankind to follow. As a result, it is both a beautiful experience and a scary one, while some things fall away. The shafts of moonlight coming through the windows are actually a very good sign for you. Moon is the subconscious mind itself, which transcends false ideologies, as the inner self recognizes truth. You inner self is open and the moonlight is pouring down on you.

As a reocurring dream of this universal symbol, your continuing to go further down the stairs would indicate that you are moving away from an opportunity to awaken. I see another way to look at this: at the moment, to repeat a lesson before you climb higher again! It is simply telling you *to take a few steps back before moving forward*! Since dreams are in fact a function of learning, clearly you need to go over a lesson.

As your name is Dr. Anubis, in itself an Egyptian symbol connected with ancient wisdom, I'm going to offer you some symbolism to work with in connection with the Tower. Most people do not know that the Tarot is NOT a pack of cards to predict the future, but a BOOK of universal symbols used by the ancient mystics to understand universal laws. This book contains the same symbols spoken of by Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell in the Power of Myth, etc. One of the symbols of the book is called "The Tower", and it depicts people falling from a high tower on a moonlight night. The secret of the Tower is that indoctrination - people telling you what to think - is what's falling away. That's often a difficult process. There is nothing to fear. The following, connected symbol in the book is called the Star, a revelation of peace, truth, and harmony - a true spiritual awakening. Just look at the universal symbols and descriptions of the Tower and the Star, and take what helps you, and leave what does not resonate. The point is for you to be guided by Self now. Best wishes.
2009-04-20 20:35:02 UTC
If the tower is 12 stories tall then you need light of revelation that will keep you learning more about each story from ground floor to the twelfth.

You definitely do not want to continue down into the maze of snares, prisons and filth below.

Abraham sought for a city with foundations whose builder and maker is God.

The name of the LORD is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and are safe. I have had the dream recurring of the city or tower of God with twelve foundations or levels. I have several Bible charts I can share with you about this dream or vision. Each level gives greater anointing in the service of God's kingdom. Here is a brief description of each of the 12 levels as we start at the bottom level 1 and work our way up to level 12. When I first had the dream from God I could not see the stairs because the whole building was dark to me. The light of revelation came as I grew in Christ.

12. Asher (Happy) Apostle called to break new ground in Church planting

11. Gad (Troop or fortune) Prophets called to preach the Word and bring great strength to the Pastor and body

10. Zebulun (Habitation) Evangelist called to preach the Word establishing it with a second witness reinforcing the

Pastor in his labor

9. Issachar (Hire) Pastors called and appointed oversight to the body & to preach the Word

8. Simon (Hearing) Teachers or appointed Elders in the body

7. Dan (Judge) Deacon, work force in the ministry to the saints

6. Benjamin (Son or the right hand) a proven saint in spirit, soul, mind and body exemplifying Christ likeness

5. Joseph (Let him add adding) strength to advance the kingdom, following peace with all men

4. Levi (Attached) strength to restore the weak & the backsliders, seeking and saving the lost

3. Judah (Praise) love truth of Apostolic doctrine ready to teach—king becoming anointed to make disciples

2. Ruben (a son) first born - a living sacrifice in travail for Christ to be formed in the Church again—priest of grace

1. Naphtali (my wrestling) subdue the goat self nature - be a sheep keeping yourself in the love of God with worship

in spirit and truth so you can be a witness of the LOVE of God

Obey Acts 2:38 before it is too late.
2009-04-20 20:56:58 UTC
I believe that dreams are a way of our subconscious trying to tell us something about our self.

Going down in a dream is generally the wrong direction to go. It is best if we go up, as this correlates with raising our consciousness.

The fact that this is a repeating experience, and that you keep going down further, says to me that you should look at what you are doing in your life, It seems you are going "round and round" about something, and that you are taking it in a negative direction.

If there is something in life that fits this description, you should stop for a second to reflect on it.

Maybe you keep thinking about something someone did to you, and what you should do about it. How to get back at them.

I'm not sure of course, but something in your life is going in the wrong direction, and you are being warned by this dream.

Also try to wake up in your dream, and start climbing those stairs instead.

Looking at and focusing on the image of the moon, is also a very power-full way of changing your consciousness.

I hope this helps.

Good Luck
2009-04-20 23:03:05 UTC
Set your goal at a certain point, do not keep chasing higher goals which I believe never stops ...

Your Heavenly You have actually try to communicate with You and start telling that You should stop the never-ending mission .....
2016-09-12 01:22:50 UTC
Sorry. Before I created Jesus, I attempted to create an incubus to head down and impregnate Mary, but it surely grew to become out to be homosexual and now not interested. This is whilst I invented the Holy Spirit. Anyway, this incubus appears plenty like Jesus, so that is quite often who you noticed, now not the truly Jesus.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.