2011-09-19 14:06:11 UTC
Then right there, her soul or whatever her ghost comes out, but she doesn't look evil at all, or creepy, it's like when she died she started to look more human.. so I open the door.. and I'm crying.. and I'm all " i killed you!" and she looks at me and says no it's fine, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me.. so i get upset, and i'm all how can death be the best thing that's happened to you!! so she floats away and says " ill watch over you" and disappears.
I had this other dream.. where I saw dead people, in this type of lake place, where there's fog everywhere.. and I saw all these dead people I didn't know, and haven't even meet! some were smiling, some were just staring blankly into nothing, and they were IN THE LAKE, not outside of it.. and it was like too quiet, it was almost unbearable, then I saw my cousin, and he was looking at me.. My cousin died of cancer in March, he was my age, I was a day older.. and he just looked at me.. and that dream made me upset, I don't know why..
dream 3 ugh so many.. it's like this "gang" you can say, and my dads involved, and I call the police, and theyre supposed to arrest them, I didn't tell my dad I was doing this, so he goes in there to protect us and stuff, except I keep on running from someone whose after me, and i go into this closet which becomes a huge house, and i keep finding things that i think my parents will like and take them, and the guy comes and I run, I eventually hurt him, and wait till the police catch the other guys so I can stop running.
My last dream, recent one is I'm in this library.. with my sisters and brother, and everyone finds their books and what theyre looking for.. but I can't and I keep looking.. and I sttart running around trying to find it but I can't, and the library seems to get bigger, so I start looking for a "self help" type of book.. but the library becomes something else.. and I seem to get lost, then we leave, and they all huge these books, and I don't have anything.
Pleaaaaaaasee I know it's long, but last night, I couldn't sleep, I put glow in the dark stars all around my room at 2 am, and when i closed the lights i could feel my pulse racing, so I put a nightlight, and when i finally calmed down, I fell asleep.. just tell me what you think