What I am looking for is the ultimate human connection, a moment that goes beyond time, and into the timeless. This oppertunity would be to get to know me slowly, over a period of months, and perhaps years, should I last that long. At a certain point, I will be asking for this person to be with me while I die. How I plan to attempt this death, is through my own sub - conscious and the collective unconscious. Through various acts, I plan on getting to the edge of death, (starvation, cutting, ect.) but mostly thoughts. The human being is capable of surviving under the most extereme and impossible of circumstances similarly, we can slip away in our sleep? Why? I believe it's because there is a level of resistence once that resistence is gone, then death comes rather quickly, and quite naturally. This is a profound mystery and one that I want to explore with someone who is by my side as a close friend, or perhaps lover, watching this all take place.
Let me know if you are interested in this life experience oppertunity.