2008-10-01 19:32:58 UTC
My first dream I was sitting in a classroom and so the teacher lady starts writing on the chalkboard but the problem is that the chalk is white and the board is white and I cant see what she's writing, but everyone else in the class was writing vigorusly like they could see it. So I start panicking and trying to look at other peoples notebooks so I can get some notes.
Second dream, Im starting this new job shevling at a grocery store so I open up a box of kool-aids or some colored drink, one box is red drink the other is blue drink, so I neatly stack the shelf blue on one side and red on the other. The the manager comes and looks at my work and starts yelling at me and tells me how bad im screwing up the job, and im like wtf? i turn around and the drinks are like 10 diff colors all mix matched and unorganized. He got mad and went to go get me fired.
Anyhow, any interpretations?