2009-09-22 19:11:42 UTC
now yestrday i went to the church and i prayed for 30 mins, then i talked to a priest and i told him all of my sins and he cleanse me, afterwards i had wine and bread from the priest.
i went home that night took my cross off which i never take it of sinse 8 years i been wearing it cuz i shaved my chest and it kinda itched me wearing it left it next to my bed and i went to sleep al llights closed as ussually, i started to dream and here its how it happened.
i was somewhere *dnt know location exactly* i walked inside the mens toilets and as i was going inside the toilet a blond looking chap looked at me he was right next to as i walked inside the actual toilet, throught the toilet door there was a wide open space and i could see him staring at me, so i said to him im sorry, thinking he wanted to go to the toilet i went into, he looked at me and like tried to scare me by going whaaa and basically a short headbut into the thin air.
i pulled my trousers up, opened the door and said to him " Whatcha gonna do?" he smiled at me and the he looked very serious, i looked behind me and when i turned to see him he had changed form he became a different person different body and different looks, then again infront of my eyes he changed 2 more forms, i went close to he's face and i said to him " What kind of demon are you!?!" he then became and actual demon he was very black and cloaked with dark black wings, suprisingly i wasent scared, i asked him whats hes busness was, and he said i would like u to join me followed by some sort of crazed language, i looked at him and shouted, " Away you go satan!! i only listen to the word of god and no one else!!!! i will never join you i love my father and my brother and i will never change my mind!" then he sorta pushed away from me like drifting into the thin air and he looked extremely scared!, after a while walked again into the open street i walked into a place not sure what it was i saw the same satan this time he looked extremely upset, he asked me once more to join him and be the strongest human in the world, i took my silver cross into my hand placed it in his head and once more i said " away you go satan! i love my father and my brother and i shall never see you again! while having my hand on his head with the cross on it hes head started to burn a very shiny light shined upon me satan was gone and i woke up, i was feeling very peacefull and happy but at the same time confused and scared. the part that tricked me the most is that i absolutely dislike my father and i dont live with him, and sinse 4 years ago, ive been calling god my father and jesus my brother.
can someone please explain me this dream? i been having the same dream 4 times in a row but in different locations where i have to keep dismissing the devil from me.
thanks very much George :)