2010-04-25 08:45:15 UTC
I was in my house with my family (even family members who are not alive anymore) Now I walk upstairs and there is a group of ppl. from the n'hood who are known to do home invasions (robberies 4 cash and drugs with people still in the home) At first I wasn't alarmed at first ( I know I should have been but I see them often in the n'hood) until they shut the door as soon as they saw me come up. Then 3 of them came out who i was childhood friends with and attempted to reassure me that everything was OK. and then I heard the sound a gun makes when you chamber a round and the movements involved with doing that. Immediately I turned to run back upstairs as I felt rounds piercing my chest and stomach. I made it past the 3 I started down the steps with to see my Parents lying dead and them actually trying to apologize, that it was an accident they got hit. These 3 were childhood friends and knew my Mom and she liked them despite their "troubles" (well what she knows) (My parents have not lived in that house ever and never together since i was a child which i noticed momentarily) Still I was panicking and although I noticed the inconsistencies like that and the house itself was a mixture of my house my dads house and my moms house all in one. But still the urge was to get out alive so I ran through the house hearing gunshots hitting everything around me until finally i lunged out a closed window and stayed put only to find myself in the back seat of a car with one of the shooters now driving the car with 2 others.
Now obviously it was scary to be shot and see my family slaughtered by ppl i see often around the way , but now as these ppl were taunting me that i was indeed going to die and to take them to my sisters. BUT, now is where it really gets weird. I saw my sister dead at the house. I noticed ALL the things back at the house that made no sense. I started to realize for sure it was dream. Rationally I KNEW it. Too many things made no sense. BUT I could NOT make it stop. No matter what I did it wouldn't stop. Which only served to make me think maybe I was remembering incorrectly because of all the loss of blood or something because I started getting weaker and weaker and more tired......until FINALLY i awoke.
I was SO mad that I could not wake myself up when I KNEW it was a dream. This has never happened to me in a BAD dream. In good dreams sometimes I can briefly control it, but not for long. But this was crazy.
Have you ever been stuck in a horrible dream that you knew was a dream?.
How did you stop it?
Also, I know it was a dream, however I can't help but to think that it may be more. I know these are vicious ppl., but I never felt any threat from them myself. But I know allot of vicious ppl., but something tells me that I need to keep my eyes open wide around these guys from now on. I don't believe in premonitions, but I've heard stories of them, and honestly, I am embarrassed to admit it.... It kinda' seems like one.
Another strange thing is how vividly I can remember the dream. I can remember even the tiniest of details. There is so much more I could write but I feel this gives you the basic idea without getting overly graphic, because it was horrifically graphic.